Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
— Arthur C. Clarke, Author

CGI - The Early Years

After graduating Berkeley with a degree in architecture, Stephen had the opportunity to join Digital Productions working on the feature film The Last Starfighter.  This production pioneered the use of photo realistic Computer Generated Imagery in feature films. Utilizing a Cray X-MP supercomputer and proprietary rendering software Digital Productions was the most advanced 3d computer graphics facility of the time.  Stephen’s award-winning work in this field continued with additional projects in Hollywood, Europe and Silicon Valley.


Real Estate Technology

More recently, Stephen led the technology teams at two of California’s most successful independent real estate brokerages.  Stephen’s leadership at Alain Pinel Realtors (acquired by Compass in 2019) contributed to significant growth and expansion of the business.  Throughout this period, disruption and transformation have been ongoing themes as the real estate industry continues to embrace the challenges of the digital era.


Data Visualization

Returning to his roots in information design, Stephen has embraced data visualization as a foundational practice for data literacy and digital transformation.  Through his consulting practice he is offering these services to help customers see and understand data. Stephen is a member of the Data Visualization Society, a Board Member of Visualization for Social Good ( and an ACM Siggraph Pioneer.